Katy Trail Expanding Eastward

Mississippi River, Illinois Trail Network & Downtown St. Louis In Sight
The 225 mile long Katy Trail will soon become 11 miles longer on the eastern end, making a connection to the beautiful William Clark suspension bridge tantalizingly close. Spanning the Mississippi River just north of St. Louis, Missouri, the Clark bridge has 10' wide bike lanes that connect with an extensive bike trail network in Illinois.
(Photo: Clark suspension bridge.)

Already, the KATY rail trail spans nearly the entire width of Missouri. This new expansion of the trail (plus efforts now underway to link the trail west into Kansas City) mean that the KATY trail will soon be an even larger producer of tourism revenue for Missouri.

(Photo: Chain of Rocks Bridge.)
Labels: bike trails, Chain of Rocks bridge, Clark Bridge, Illinois, KATY Trail, Mississippi River Trail, Missouri, St. Louis, West Alton